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Delivery, cancellation and returns


The orders are delivered by post to the indicated delivery address according to one of the following manners previously chosen by the user.

Mainland Portugal Madeira e Acores Other
Urgent Day (9-18h) Urgent Day (9-18h) Urgent
Urgent Night (19-22h) Express Day (9-18h) Express
Saturday (9-13) Normal

The delivery time varies depending on the delivery address, the manner of delivery, the payment method and availability of the ordered article.

The indicated delivery times are valid after reception of payment and are subject to availability of stock at that moment.

In case of delay in delivery time, the user will be informed of the respective changes as well as the eventual changes to the value of the order. In such circumstances, the order will only processed after confirmation by the user.

In the case of events, the user should register at the event immediately before the start of the first session, accompanied by a print out of the e-mail confirming the purchase. The documentation that may eventually be foreseen for the event will be distributed at the above-mentioned registration session.

In the case of entry tickets, the user should pick up the corresponding tickets at the respective ticket office, accompanied bt a print out of the e-mail confirming the purchase.

Cancellations and Returns


You may cancel your order in the “My orders” section of “My Account”. You should select the option “Pending order”. Here you may consult all your orders and respective statuses, request cancellations, modify payment methods and quantities.

We will only refund orders that are returned within 15 days after reception by the user,

The cancelation of events is subject to the rules applicable to each event as defined on a case by case basis.


Orders returned should be sent to the following address, along with the vending ticket: Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Sílvio Lima, Pólo II da Universidade de Coimbra, 3030-790 Coimbra.

The products returned must be in perfect conditions. If we verify that the articles are not in due conditions, damaged in any manner not resulting from our actions, the return will not be accepted. In such circumstances, the order will be sent back to the user.

Out of stock

In the eventuality of not being able to satisfy the order due to the article being out of stock, we will inform the user and make a refund within 30 days.


In the eventuality of not being able to satisfy the order due to the article being out of stock or due to the return of an article with no anomalies, we will refund the total amount paid, including shipping charges, within a maximum 30 day period following the purchase. The refund will occur in the same form as payment of the order.

Non reception of orders

You may obtain information on your order in “My Account”. In the “My orders” section, select the “Pending Orders” option and consult all your orders and respective status.

If you do not obtain the clarification you deem necessary, please contact us by telephone +351 239 247 750 or send an e-mail to gf@uc.pt .


16th Celtic Conference in Classics (10)
1ª Escola de Verão de Paleografia, Diplomática e Sigilografia do CHSC
2nd FEBS Redox Medicine Workshop (4)
2nd MIA-Portugal Ageing Spring School
3rd RESETageing Conference
5th Annual meeting STRATAGEM - COST Action
Cardioprotection Conference
Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data
Conference in Classics & Ancient History
Congress IBERTRIVA 2025 (2)
DSOTT25 - Diversity & Sustainability, Oportunities and Threats on Tourism 2025 (10)
EGPA PSG XII Spring Workshop 2025 (3)
ELEVATE - NLI Masterclass Series
Events-> (13)
II Curso Livre de História das Religiões
II seminário Internacional de Salvamento Aquático
International Conference on Economics and Business Roads to Sustainability
International Meeting on Porous Skeletal Lesions (PSL): Achievements and Future Directions
International Seminar Modes of Production - Performing Arts and the Ecological Transition
International Seminar of Young Researchers on Geography
International Staff Week 2025 (1)
International Symposium on Arbutus unedo
Jornadas de Dança Movimento Terapia
Lego Serious Play: methodological introduction to psychological, educational or social intervention
Neuroscience meets Society
Palestras periódicas sobre Cultivo de Orquídeas - JBUC
SAW - Seeing and Acting Workshop 2025 (4)
Seminário Internacional - Tendências Atuais do Planeamento e Periodização do Treino nos Jogos Despor
Seminário Internacional de Salvamento Aquático
Seminario Internacional PowerCoop
SINAL 2024
Summer Course for Children
V Congresso Internacional de Filosofia Grega
VIII Media Ethic's Conference
Workshop Intervenção Clinica Sistémica (2)
X Meeting Internacional de Treinadores de Futebol
XI Meeting Internacional de Treinadores de Futebol
XIII Meeting International de Treinadores de Futebol
XLI Colóquio Internacional do GIREA
XV Iberian International Business Conference
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
XXI Jornadas de Psicologia do Desporto
XXXII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics
Fees (1)
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